Shyam Agarwal, a very talented student of CMS Lucknow, Aliganj Campus I has been selected for admission by four prestigious universities of Australia, England, and Canada, bringing name and fame to the city of Lucknow. His academic excellence, diligence, and talents have gotten him admission offers from the University of Sydney and University of Melbourne of Australia; Manchester University of England, and the University of Toronto of Canada.
Shyam gave the credit for his success to the robust academic atmosphere of CMS. Chief Public Relations Officer of CMS, Mr. Hari Om Sharma informed that each year more than 90 CMS students are offered admission in the top universities of the world. This year already, over 22 CMS students have been offered admission in the top universities of the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Japan, Singapore, Germany, etc., most of them on scholarship. He further added that CMS makes consistent efforts to expand students’ horizons and provide them opportunities, facilitating their studies in top institutions of higher education both in India and abroad.
CMS is the only SAT and Advanced Placement (AP) exam test center in Uttar Pradesh, which enables students of the U.P. and other surrounding states to apply for higher studies in the best universities abroad on generous scholarships. Prior to this, students of UP who wished to study abroad had to travel to Delhi to find an SAT exam center.
Team DSN congratulates Shyam Agarwal the student of CMS Lucknow to the achievement, and the school to provide a supporting environment to the students.
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