CTET 2020 Update your City of Examination

CTET 2020

Central Teacher Eligibility Test, CTET 2020 which was initially scheduled to be held on 5th July 2020 all over the country was postponed due to administrative reasons. Now the test is scheduled for 31st January 2021.

Due to the unprecedented COVID10 pandemic now the CTET 2020 will now be conducted in 135 cities. The list of cities is available on the CTET website www.ctet.nic.in for the candidate’s reference.

Many students have requested to update their preferred city for the exam. Hence Central Board of Secondary Education is giving a chance for updating the city from which they want to appear in the CTET examination.

The candidates can change their examination city from 07th November 2020 to 16th November 2020 up to 11.59 P.M

The Board will try to accommodate the candidates in the cities opted by them but if the situation arises, they can be allotted any city other than the four cities opted by the candidates.

Candidates can also go through previous year question papers for preparing for preparing for their upcoming examination.

Please click here to read the circular published by CBSE.

The participants are requested to visit the CTET website https://ctet.nic.in/webinfo/Public/Home.aspx for further details.

Read more ‘CBSE’ news on dailyschoolsnews.com.