Ministry of Education, Government of India in association with Ministry of Defence is glad to announce an essay and patriotic poetry competition for school students.
This competition is being organized to celebrate, “Republic day”, popularly known as “Ganatantra Diwas” on 26th January. India became a republic on 26 January 1950. On this day, the Constitution of India was implemented in our country by removing the Government of India Act (1935).
Themes of Essay and Patriotic Poetry Writing Competition
– Indian Constitution & Democracy
– Struggle for Independence
– Warriors of Indian independence.
– True meaning of celebration of Republic day.
Guidelines for the school students:
The Essay and Poetry Competition are meant for school students of classes VI to XII from schools under CBSE, KVS, NVS, NIOS and all school boards/SCERTs at the State/UT Level.
Word Limits of Essay for each theme
- The essay should be within 1500* word limit.
Word Limits of Patriotic Poetry Writing for each theme
- The poem should be within 100* word limit
Mode of submission: –
The participant should submit the write-up in PDF file format only. Visit the website www.MyGov.in to submit the essay.
Write-up text should be submitted in readable Font of Hindi/English.
Font size should be 12 for English and 14 for Hindi. Line spacing should be 1.15 only. Entries must be in either in English or Hindi.
To read and understand all the terms and conditions please click here.
We request all the eligible students to participate in the Essay and Patriotic Poetry Competition.
Read more ‘Competition‘ news on dailyschoolsnews.com.