Inspire Award 2020 Registration Open for Students

INSPIRE Award 2020

Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research’ (INSPIRE) scheme is one of the flagship programmes of the Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India.

The INSPIRE Awards – MANAK (Million Minds Augmenting National Aspirations and Knowledge), is organized by DST with National Innovation Foundation – India (NIF).

The objective of INSPIRE Award 2020 is to

  • To motivate school students in the age group of 10-15 years and studying in classes 6 to 10.
  • To attract talent in the school students, have them exposed to science at an early age and foster a culture of creative and innovative thinking to address the societal need through Science and Technology.
  • To help towards building a critical human resource pool for strengthening and expanding the science and technology system and increase the research and development base.

The programme fosters a culture of creativity and innovative thinking among school children targeting one million original ideas/innovations rooted in science and societal applications.

INSPIRE Award 2020

School students (not groups) of class 6th to 10th from any recognized schools, government or private, aided or unaided, from any National or State Education Board, may submit their original and innovative ideas in any one of the 22 languages from the 8th schedule of constitution to their school. Schools can nominate 5 best original ideas/innovations of students through INSPIRE official website till 30 September 2020. The schools are required to register themselves on the E-MIAS portal.

In-case of any doubt, you can contact the INSPIRE AWARD Helpdesk from 09:30 AM To 6:00 PM Monday to Friday by calling at 02764 350007, 08, 09, 10, or +9196384 18605. You can also write at inspire[at]nifindia[dot]org.

We would request you to read the complete details about the Inspire Award 2020 before preparing for the award. Click here to visit the official website.

Read more news on ‘Competition‘.