Lucknow boy, Rohan Chaturvedi, a student of City Montessori School, Rajendra Nagar Campus I has qualified the first round of the prestigious Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY Fellowship) of Govt. of India. He will now be appearing for the interview in the second round, to secure the prestigious KYPY Fellowship.
Chief Public Relations Officer of CMS, Mr. Hari Om Sharma informed that as reported earlier, 6 more students of CMS have also qualified for the first round of the KVPY Fellowship. Thus, a total of 7 meritorious students of CMS have qualified for this prestigious scholarship. KVPY fellows pursuing undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Science are awarded a scholarship of Rs. 4,64,000/- during the five years of their higher studies. Mr. Sharma informed that the Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY) is a scholarship program of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India to encourage students to take up research careers in Science. The selected students can avail the facility of a famous national laboratory, university, and library in any part of India for free, by showing their ID cards.
Mr. Sharma further stated that CMS encourages its students to participate in different creative and innovative competitions which helps in enhancing their self-confidence and knowledge of various subjects.
We congratulate Rohan on qualifying for the first round of KVPY Scholarship.
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