Dakshita, a talented Class I student of City Montessori School, Aliganj Campus II has brought laurels to the institution by securing the gold medal in National Hindi Olympiad. The Olympiad was organized under the auspices of Hindi Utkarsh Mandal, Delhi. Chief Public Relations Officer of CMS, Mr. Hari Om Sharma informed that the students of several noted schools of India participated in this Olympiad.
Dakshita showcased the great talent and proved that each student of our nation must be well versed in his mother tongue to achieve success in the modern age and the knowledge of the Hindi language is necessary also for imbibing moral values. The organizers rewarded her with a gold medal and certificate praising her knowledge and talents.
Mr. Sharma said that CMS endeavors to chisel the multifarious talents of students to empower them to pace ahead firmly and steadily in life with various creative and innovative skills by providing them opportunities to participate in different competitions. CMS aims at imparting such education to children that can prepare them as world leaders so that they lead the world with their broadened humanistic approach. It has enabled the gems of CMS to win a maximum number of prizes in different national and international competitions and has been bringing glories for the state and nation. These students accredit the peaceful and divine atmosphere of the school and its expert and experienced teachers for their success.
We would like to congratulate Dakshita on winning the National Hindi Olympiad.
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