Reading Literacy Practice Book for Class 7-10 Students

English Reading Literacy Practice Book for Students

English Reading Literacy Practice Book For Students of classes 7 to 10 has been published CBSE. The National Education Policy 2020 was curated based on the principle of a learner-centric education. The objective is to develops critical skills like the ability to locate, understand and reflect on various kinds of information.

CBSE since the release of the NEP 2020 has taken various steps to design curriculum, assessment, and other resources.

Thus to equip our children with the 21st-century skills of creative and critical thinking, the Board has come up with a Reading Literacy: Practice Book for Students for English.

The aim is to provide an opportunity to engage with a variety of texts in a self-learning mode. Thus it will help students to learn the nuances of the language in an innovative, engaging, and functional manner.

The book has five units with a combination of subjects ranging from food, travel, sports to our glorious heritage. It presents a wide variety of authentic reading materials such as movie reviews, posters, quotations, cartoons, blogs, Instagram posts, and more.

The Practice Book has been very meticulously designed to provide a rich reading experience to its readers. These themes have been carefully curated keeping in mind the interests of the learner and the larger educational goals.

Click here to download the Practice Book. Also, the book is also available in the DIKSHA Portal.

We would request the School Staff and the Parents to encourage the students to read the book and do the exercises.

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