Aiza Fatima, a talented nursery student of City Montessori School, Chowk Campus brought fame to the city of Lucknow by winning the first prize of the Rhyme and Poetry Competition held at all India level online. This competition was organized under the aegis of the noted educational organization Asian Kids.
Chief Public Relations Officer of CMS, Mr. Hari Om Sharma informed that students from all over the country participated in this competition and amidst tough competition, Aiza of CMS Chowk Campus won the first prize due to her brilliant performance and natural talents. The organizers of the contest awarded a certificate to her while praising her latent talents and wished her a very bright future.
Mr. Sharma said that CMS is constantly striving to promote creativity and original thinking among the students leading to the all-round development of their personality. CMS aims at producing world leaders and for this, it imparts three kinds of education – material, human and divine. He added that the school makes extensive efforts to develop a scientific temper and global outlook among the students.
We would like to congratulate Aiza Fatima on winning the all Indian Rhyme and Poetry Competition.
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