Road Safety Month 2021 should be organized in every school to spread awareness for road safety among the students, parents, and school staff.
To support the campaign for road safety, ‘Road Safety Week’ is observed throughout the country every year in the month of January. The aim of the campaign is to highlight and emphasize the need for safe roads.
According to the CBSE circular, this year instead of Road Safety Week, Road Safety Month 2021 is to be observed from 18th January 2021 to 17th February 2021 on the theme ‘Sadak Suraksha, Jeevan Raksha’.
It is an opportunity for all the stakeholders to contribute to the cause by taking up activities to promote the concept and be a part of the advocacy campaign for road safety.
Schools are requested to undertake suitable online activities to observe this occasion. CBSE has provided an indicative list of activities that can be undertaken during this period is given by the Board. The list is given at the end.
To organize this in an efficient manner, the involvement of all the concerned agencies like Traffic Police, Health Information & Publicity, PWD, etc. is encouraged.
Schools may upload a brief report of the activities undertaken along with photographs/videos on the following link latest by 20th February 2021:
Link for submitting the activity report.
We request all the schools to organize Road Safety Week 2021 in their capacity to make our road safe.
Indicative list: –
1. Posters/Slogans/Paintings
2. Essays/Quiz/Debate/Declamation
3. Lecture (for students, parents, drivers, etc.)
4. Preparation of Road Safety Comic Strips
5. Integrated Curriculum Plan for Road Safety Education
6. Road Safety Exhibition
7. Songs/Dance/Jingle
8. Mime/Skit
9. Films/Ad Movie
10.Pamphlets/Publications/Website resources/Blogs/Mobile App
11.Programs for drivers like training about road safety rules, various sign/signage, and first aid service in case of accidents
Click here to read the CBSE circular. | Read more ‘CBSE’ news on dailyschoolsnews.com