Varnika Srivastava, a talented pre-primary student of City Montessori School, Aliganj Campus II has brought laurels to the school by winning the ‘Star Performer Award’ in a national level competition on general knowledge organized under the aegis of the educational institution ‘Purple Wings’.
Varnika amazed everyone by naming all Indian state capitals at such an early age and won great appreciation from the audience. Besides, she also exhibited her knowledge of current affairs, logical ability, and confidence by giving answers to questions based on general knowledge in a very quick, clear, and succinct manner. The organizers of the competition appreciated Varnika’s knowledge by awarding her with a medal and citation.
Mr. Sharma informed that CMS is always engaged in developing the multifaceted talents of its students and encourages them to face challenges in life by providing them opportunities to participate in various competitions. CMS aims at providing an education that prepares children as world leaders capable of leading tomorrow’s global society with their developed human vision.
We congratulate Varnika Srivastava on winning the Star Performer Award.
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