When will school reopen in India Central Government on the reopening?

When will school reopen in India

We have now experienced more than six months since our schools, colleges and other educational institutes are closed to contain the spread of coronavirus.

Now all of us especially the teaching staff and the students are having a common question “when will school reopen in India”. This question is pivotal for the students from the rural areas as they are facing a lot of challenges either because of the network issues or unavailability of the smart devices. However, to bridge the gap between urban and rural students, the Indian Government has taken a lot of initiatives like DIKSHA.

The Unlock 3.0 shall be ending on August 31, 2020, and people are speculating the education institution may start in September or November. However, we still wait for the fresh guidelines from the Central Government on the reopening of the educational institutes. Many believe there will be a phase-wise plan for the resumption of the schools, colleges, and education institutes.

In June 2020 UNICEF’s released a Framework for Reopening of Schools in a coordinated manner. According to the framework reopening of school to be done a three phases process: (1st) Prior to reopening, (2nd) during the reopening and (3rd) after reopening.

Prior to reopening: Prepare with critical policies, procedures, and financing plans needed to improve schooling, with a focus on safe operations, including strengthening remote learning practices.
During the reopening: Adopt proactive approaches to reintegrate marginalized and out-of-school children. Invest in water, sanitation, and hygiene to mitigate risks and focus on remedial education to compensate for lost instructional time.
After reopening: Actively monitor health indicators, expanding focus on wellbeing and protection. Strengthen pedagogy, adapt remote education for blended teaching and learning, including knowledge on infection transmission and prevention

The School Management, Principals, and Teaching Staff should read the complete Framework for Reopening of Schools, click here.

So, to get the answer on ‘When will school reopen in India’ we will have to wait for the Central Government Guidelines and the state Government decisions. Whatever step and decisions the Government shall take, we hope it shall be in consideration with the exponential rise in the coronavirus in some of the parts of our country.

Read more ‘General‘ news on dailyschoolsnews.com.